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feathers floating in the air bright white.jpg
Caroline Wellman's name
the word Quote and luck and light are all we get,

and the losses we brush shoulders with

will meet us again soon enough—

something we can almost forgive

in the small consolations of morning.

-"Early Morning"

By Caroline Wellman

About Caroline Wellman header

Caroline Wellman is a writer and poet who grew up near the Mississippi River and now resides on land that was once home to the Sauk people.  â€‹She has advanced degrees in creative writing and American literature and has taught literature and writing at various colleges. Recently, she has been teaching journalism and creative writing to middle school students. Her poetry will be featured in upcoming anthology Shooting Stars at Sky--The Poetry of Play and she will have three poems published in an upcoming anthology named Missing Pieces. ​In her free time, Caroline sorts mail for the local postal service and enjoys spending time the by Mississippi River.

the word Quote

By those lights, it is no longer April.

This is the moon of the last frost and first dew,

of strong rain and blossoming trees...

-"This Vision"

By Caroline Wellman


What has Caroline been doing?

The weekend of September 7th, Caroline went to Chicago for Printer's Row LitFest. 

It is likely the best in the Midwest.  If you ever get the chance, be sure to go.

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Left Photo:

Caroline with writer Tony​

Lindsay, whose publisher is the same one Gwendolyn

Brooks had used.

Right Photo:

Caroline with a the co-editors of After Hours: Albert DeGenova and Pat Hertel.

IMG_1722 (2) (1).HEIC
works by Caroline Wellman, header
Cover of Presences by Caroline Collins now Caroline Wellman

A book of poetry by Caroline Wellman

Printed by Parallel Press

drawing of a couple ice skating while holding hands, trees in background.  Photo says Winter Dreams, a poem by Caroline Wellman.  2022 Anthology Poetry Award.

Winner of the 2022 Anthology Poetry Award.

Portrait of My Father as a Mute Swan by Caroline Wellman (4).png

Self Portrait as Orca:

A Poetry Reading

Winner of the 2024 Mary Blinn Prize,

After Hours Press

drawing of a swan with the words, Portrait of my Father as a Mute Swan, a poem by Caroline Wellman.  Winner of the 2023 Mary Blinn Prize, After Hours Press

Winner of the 2023 Mary Blinn Prize,

After Hours Press

Portrait of My Father as a Mute Swan by Caroline Wellman (7).png

A poem featured in Viewless Wings

the word Quote

The heart-slowing, stone-in-the chest 
weight of the universe shifted. 
Head down, eyes pained, quiet tears. 
His voice more faint each year.

-"Portrait of My Father

as a Mute Swan"

By Caroline Wellman

Forest Trees
Prizes won by Caroline Wellman, header
drawing from Snake Nation Press.

“Early Morning”:

2005 Snake Nation Press Award

Creative Award logo from Anthology

“Winter Dreams”:

2022 Anthology Poetry Award

Imagine of the Mary Blinn Poetry Prize icon

“Portrait of My Father as a Mute Swan”:

2023 After Hours Poetry Award

“Self Portrait as Orca”:

2024 After Hours Poetry Award

Contact Caroline Wellman image

Caroline is available through her

Facebook page or via email.



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